Wilcombe Primary School

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Ventrus MAT


Our pupils will explore mathematics in a variety of ways. All mathematics teaching focuses on developing fluency, reasoning and problem solving, ensuring that children can recall and apply their mathematical understanding in a range of contexts. Visual representations, use of manipulatives and opportunities to explain in all lessons ensure that the children build secure conceptual understanding of mathematical ideas, supporting their journey to becoming efficient and creative mathematicians.

The pupils at St David’s are expected to demonstrate a positive approach to Mathematics and see their learning not as individual lessons but as a continuous journey where links can be made to previous learning in order to solve problems.  As pupils develop their confidence, they will be better placed to make their own decisions on which strategy would enable them to successfully solve the problem that they are tackling.

Our pupils are provided with opportunities to investigate hypotheses, test and challenge theories within a safe learning environment. They are encouraged to draw conclusions from their explorations. There is an expectation that precise Mathematical vocabulary is used to explain ideas to others, along with the appropriate resources and images to support their theories. These expectations apply to all pupils so that everyone feels that they are able to contribute to their own and other’s learning.

Our teaching of Mathematics begins in EYFS as the children work towards the Early Learning Goals. 

As the children enter Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 you will see:

  • Maths lessons planned and delivered in line with the White Rose Mathematics Schemes of Learning and enhanced or adapted where appropriate.  
  • Fluency embedded into each lesson, with additional practice sessions outside of the lesson, to ensure that all children are competent and develop their rapid recall. These include opportunities to develop number facts, multiplication and division facts and fluency in the four operations. Fluency in multiplication is also provided through the use of Times Tables Rockstars in Y2,Y3,Y4, Y5 and Y6. 
  • Use of manipulatives and images to expose the mathematical structure of the mathematical concepts being taught.   
  • Talk and discussion to encourage children to verbalise their thinking using mathematical vocabulary.  
  • Opportunities to investigate to deepen understanding.  
  • Differentiated learning to ensure that all children’s learning is deepened and broadened without restricting their potential attainment.   

By the time children leave St David’s, they will be confident with investigating with place value, calculations, fractions, basic geometry, decimals, percentages, early algebra, measuring, ratio, 2D and 3D shapes, coordinate grids and various ways to demonstrate statistics. They will have the skills to solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of situations with increasing sophistication, including in unfamiliar contexts and to model real-life scenarios.




Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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