Wilcombe Primary School

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Ventrus MAT

Our Curriculum

The Ventrus knowledge entitlements underpin the wider curriculum subjects at St David's primary school (history, geography, science, art and design and technology). The knowledge entitlements define what children will learn at the different stages of their education, ensuring that prior knowledge is built upon and preparing children for future success. The ambitious intent of the curriculum ensures that all children have an entitlement to a high-quality inclusive education, which is underpinned by the teaching of essential skills, knowledge, concepts and values, which are embedded and developed over time. Our curriculum must respond dynamically to reflect the challenges of current times and the predicted challenges which our children will face in the future. The Trust and the schools within it, will constantly evaluate the design of the curriculum to ensure that it supports the roles that children and young people play in society now and in the future. 

At St David’s, we are proud to have an ambitious, knowledge-based curriculum that promotes enthusiasm, engagement and excitement in our learners. Our curriculum is coherently sequenced enabling children to build on previous knowledge and skills. Opportunities to make meaningful links across subjects ensure that children are given opportunities to secure and extend their understanding and apply learning in different contexts. We make sure that children are given the opportunity to practice and revisit key knowledge through ‘flash back fours’ supporting them in recalling and remembering key knowledge.  

We take every opportunity to utilise our local environment to enhance our curriculum offer to pupils. We plan trips and residentials that link in with our curriculum and support children in building their cultural capital. Being a city school in Devon, this can range from trips to the local park, local museums or residential trips to Dartmoor!  

Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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