Wilcombe Primary School

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Ventrus MAT


Our science curriculum builds children’s scientific skills including communication, observing and data handling which in turn, supports them in the wider curriculum.  

We build children’s science capital through well sequenced, language rich lessons taught in classrooms, outside in our school grounds and within our local community.  Enrichment opportunities are planned to develop children’s understanding of science in a real life context.   

Children are taught how to become scientists by exploring and investigating topics linked to the National Curriculum.  We teach purposeful and creative lessons where children are given the opportunity to develop their own understanding in an engaging way. Children are taught how to plan, create, observe and evaluate their own scientific investigations. It is through these investigations that children can adapt and develop their skills enabling them to have a deeper understanding about the world and how it works. We build children’s science capital through well sequenced, language rich lessons taught in classrooms, outside in our school grounds and within our local community. 

Children increase their own scientific understanding through scientific enquiry and by asking their own questions about the world.

  • Teachers use age-appropriate skills & knowledge progression documents to ensure that learning is progressive throughout the school
  • Children are taught to be inquisitive and ask questions in all areas of science. 
  • Teachers assess learning at the beginning and end of units to measure progress and attainment. 
  • Key scientific vocabulary is taught throughout units to help children have a better understanding of science.  

Children are taught to use different equipment and resources within science to deepen their learning experiences

Each topic includes opportunities to work scientifically developing the correct skills needed to be Scientists.

  • Teachers plan in enrichment activities for units, for example, school trips. 

All children develop the knowledge and skills needed to understand the world around them as scientists. They use the correct scientific skills and knowledge not solely in science but apply these to other areas of the curriculum.  Children understand the role that science has in everyday life and why it is important to continue learning about the world around them.  Children leave St David's as scientists and a love for the subject.


Science Curriculum Map & Progression

Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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