SEND Curriculum Statement

SEND Curriculum Statement 

St David's is a fully inclusive, caring, happy and vibrant school. At St David's, we are dedicated to providing the best possible educational journey for our children. Schooling is about every aspect of human personality and achievement and so an important part of the work we do in school is promoting a sense of the joy of learning. Developing the children’s personal, social and emotional skills starts in our Foundation Stage and remains important throughout each child’s time with us.  

The school is successfully including pupils with a wide range of SEND including difficulties with: cognition and learning, communication and interaction, social, emotional and mental health, and sensory or physical needs. 

At St David's, we strive to support all our children and enable them to enjoy and achieve. Quality first teaching is vital, however for some children there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them achieve their targets. Early identification of needs in key in order to begin to implement this additional support. All our staff are trained in ensuring that children are equipped with the skills they need to further their learning. We are committed to delivering inclusive educational provision, working closely with parents and carers to ensure a personalised learning journey that achieves the best outcomes for pupils with SEN and disabilities. 

We aim to ensure a partnership between parents, children and staff, working together to agree the best way to meet our pupils' needs. We seek external advice where required, through a range of local support services and agencies.

Further information about our support for children with SEND can be found in our school SEND information report